A high touch mentorship for big-vision writers ready to become published, established and well-known authors.

A high touch mentorship for big-vision writers ready to become published, established and well-known authors.

You know you’re meant for more.

Sorry to drop a spoiler on you, but you DO end up writing that book, getting published, seeing your book in bookstores, doing the author events, getting the 5-star reviews, building the thriving readershop, selling books daily and making a large chunk (if not all) your income from writing.

It’s just inevitable, because you were put on this planet to do it.

The only question is when.

Will it be in five years, after you crack the shits at your 9 - 5?

Ten years, when you finally stop listening to the fear-based voice holding you back?

Twenty years, when you’ve got some savings to fall back on should it “not work out”?

Fifty years, when you realise your life is passing you by and you’re running out of time to do it?

Let me be clear: the waiting is NOT required for your success.

In fact, the sooner you get started, the sooner things will start falling into place for you.

I started writing at 5 years old, and it took 15 years to write a book worth publishing.

I started publishing at 18, and it took five years to release a bestseller.

You just need to get started, with full-bodied trust that your books are meant to have a MASSIVE impact, because the longer you put it off, wait for the “right time”, or sit in your fear… the further away your dream authorly lifestyle is.

The author who succeeds is the author who leaps NOW, who trusts themselves to get results NOW, who knows that their success is inevitable as long as they keep working at it until it works.

This coaching mentorship is right for you if:

  • You’re ready to run at your goals (together, we’re going to write the books, publish and launch them, and build a stand-out author brand that gets you seen, heard and KNOWN.)
  • You deeply desire to be supported along the way (because I’ll be the first to endorse that you can totally, 100% do this on your own. But you know your time and energy is limited by your day job and you don’t want to spend your remaining precious hours researching and spinning your wheels. You want the fast track to results, NOW.)
  • You’re already holding a big vision for your books and brand, meaning you have at least ONE book you’re seriously working on with plans to build readership and launch a career off of it.
  • You’re fully available for fast, immediate results (as many of my clients experience), but you’re also prepared to keep showing up and doing the work even if it takes two, three, or even five books to ignite that domino effect of hype, sales and readers you’re looking for (because I’m going to be honest with you, sometimes that is the case!)
  • You specifically desire and intend to self-publish. While I have been traditionally published and I do help my clients with this occasionally, I don’t advocate for it anymore and I wouldn’t be in integrity coaching you on this in my private container.
  • You know in your heart of hearts that authorship is your calling.

How it’s going to look:

My private coaching requires a minimum commitment of 6 months (3 months for writing support + 3 months to publish + launch your book properly) because we’re going to dive DEEP into the following areas:


I’ll guide you through my Storyteller Framework, which is designed to help you write a book in 90 days or less.

You’ll have a clear action plan for your writing goals and daily support to keep you inspired, motivated and accountable along the way.

Plus, you’ll have my eyeballs on your manuscript to help you develop your skills and prep your book for publication.


Along with my personalised support, you’ll get lifetime access to my signature course teaching self-publishing and launching.

It teaches you a foundational strategy for self-publishing and building momentum with book sales, so that you can hit your pre-order goals, triple your launch results, get stocked in bookstores and more.

The information is organised and easy to consume, so you can refer to it whenever you need.


Ready to gain momentum with your sales?

Together, we’ll refine your reader sales journey, attract soulmate readers who buy every book you ever release, implement backlist marketing strategies and establish your stand-out author brand.

Plus, if desired, we'll explore alternative income streams relating to your author brand to help you scale to full-time authorship even faster.

Sound exciting? Let's do it then!


Bi-weekly coaching calls where we’ll dive deep into writing, publishing, marketing, mindset, and the business of authorship so that you can kickstart your career with highly focused and personalised support.

Unlimited voxer support where we’ll chat daily during my office hours. This is how you’ll receive real-time accountability, guidance and feedback as we move you through each major authorship milestone.

The Paperback Pass: access to ALL of my programs and courses including:

  • Self-paced versions of the 21 Day Writing & Marketing Challenges
  • Writing Coaching (including unlimited manuscript feedback during our time together)
  • The 12 Step Book Launch Course (including access to lifetime coaching within the launch course Facebook Group even after we’ve finished working together privately. This is how you’re going to be able to keep running at your goals and still feel supported without having to reinvest in high level coaching until your books take off.)
  • The Book Marketing Mastermind (runs a couple of times per year)
  • The Authorpreneur Kingdom Membership (weekly group coaching support - my clients find this supplements the 1:1 perfectly because coaching in a group setting exposes you to questions you never thought to ask.)
  • All past workshops, courses, trainings and classes, plus any I create during our time together (and spoiler alert: there’s already five years worth of valuable content waiting exclusively for you!)


As authors, we have a unique business model that doesn’t always allow for continuously investing in high level coaching (as valuable as it is.)

That’s why I designed my private coaching with authors in mind.

My private coaching requires an upfront, minimum commitment of 6 months so that we can work through the foundations together. But once that time is up, you can continue coaching with me at a lower, monthly rate for as long as you desire to, until you feel you’ve been fully supported, with no pressure to re-sign or continue for a set period of time.


$750/mth for 6 months, and then $550/mth ongoing.

Alternatively, you can pay in full for 6 months and receive 3 bonus months of coaching (9 months total.)


Pay In Full: $4,500


Note: I don't do sales calls, but I'm happy to answer any questions via Instagram DM (@paganatpaperback)

"This course held my hand and guided me through the publishing process. Pagan's guidance and down-to-earth personality made everything feel so easy."

- Jo Narayan, Author

"Highly recommend Pagan for anyone who is considering getting some expert knowledge behind them."

- R. S. Williams, Author

"Working with you upleveled my writing and publishing lifestyle x 1000! I would not have published Ember in July without your guidance. It would likely still not be out!"

- Rebecca K. Sampson, Author